There is a another world where lives another species. They are like humans, intelligent, walk on Two legs, love each other, always evolving their technology and ways to live. Theres just couple differences. Their appearance and society. Theromoras, as they call themselves, have tails and some kind of ears/horns based on their personality. They are born with Them, it also decides which category their name is given. They all have strong feelings to protect their loved ones and they can go to unexpected actions, to protect them. Their skin colors go from pale white, to darkest black and brown. Theromoras also have second form, this form gives them their own weapon and more thicker skin with fangs and claws. To add to their society, there are four different countries all being lead by the highest government. These countries act all with the same rules, only thing separating then is where they are. Shugorra is land of sand and glass, home to lot of regular workers. Mikama is filled with life and forests, the head of soldiers, specifically ninjas who learn to be flexible and little thieves. Caven, heart of the technology, home to many technicians, gray city with its parks and energetic workers. And not lastly Harvey, lot like earths Asia with its beautiful nature and people, place to learn lot about poisons and weapons.
Erin Adler, deputy of the Adler family. Tomboy, lesbian, curious, smart, energetic and cocky and loves to annoy other cocky people like she. She is turning to 15 and is now in the age to head to her own Picker. She is good at most of the things she does, always showing the nice side of herself. Even she hasn't faced her own demon side. The side which comes out just when protecting herself or someone else.
Picker is time5 year old teen is brought to forest, far away from society with their picked weapon. Teens are suppose to make it through with their special abilities and head. Depending how they survive, its picked which job they will proceed to.