Three years ago, in a whirlwind of scandal, political drama, and rising internal tensions, superhero alliance agency Clandestine Industries, Inc. was dissolved and its members forced into hiding. Now, with crime boss Shane Morris targeting former supers in the name of building his criminal empire, former director Pete Wentz must rebuild Clandestine from the ground up. But with an assortment of reluctant, over-powered superhuman kids to train and most of Clandestine's original lineup scattered or MIA, he may have bit off more than he can chew.
In which Lynn just wants to be a normal teenager, Ashley is way too chill about being recruited to fight crime right the fuck out of nowhere, Pete's just trying to keep the team together while also keeping himself together, Brendon does NOT miss Ryan, Hayley's not your superhuman, Shane is a fucking psychopath, and nobody knows where Patrick is.