The apocalypse started on a wednesday, a day of the week where everyone felt slow and sluggish, the humpday.
Three months later the city was trashed, corpses littering the streets in their groaning state, other groups of survivors were either trying to kill you or running from you but even at that other survivors were few and far between. The group had changed dramatically over the course of three months, watching the world crumble around you did that to people. In the first month they tried to save people, old friends who were in need of some assistance. Needless to say they were picked off one by one, as heartbreaking as it was watching friends die the apocalypse wasn't a forgiving world, it didn't stop for you to grieve.
Natasha, once a thin, sweet, happy go lucky girl with no upper body strength was now a well toned fighter, sprinting through crowds of walkers with ease, able to reload a firearm quicker than you could scream for help.
Lara, once a curvy, fun loving makeup artist, only strength being in her legs was now strong, her collarbones jutting out, her face angular and hard but her eyes still had the softness for her friends, especially with Sam. A spark snapped inside of her, igniting a deep fire inside of her to protect the others, two machetes strapped to her back that were never clean of blood.
Sam, once a tall, lanky guy with a kind smile now had hair to his shoulders and a hardened gaze, his arms muscular and equipped with knives, one in each hand. A constant need to protect the other three making him a dangerous man to mess with.
Dean, a sweet soul with a love for junk food was now a hard working machine, never stopping to keep the other three safe, constant food runs, hands calloused from holding guns all day and working at fortifying wherever they were staying or fixing up a car so they could speed off.
"Ok, now you've been properly screwed. And here I thought you would be a challenge," Nicole said with a click of her tongue. "Pity."
"Double or nothing." Dean stated firmly.
"Awe, don't be a spoil sport! We shook fair and-"
"Five hundred dollars, one more game. You in sweetheart?"
"I'm in."
"I look like a carnivore?"
"Well, you're so buff and toned," Toni replied. Sam grinned, raising an eyebrow as she began to stammer. "No! What I mean is that you're so fit and healthy!" 'And utterly attractive.'
"Fit and utterly attractive eh?"
"I can't believe I said that out loud...I think I may just bury myself forever..."
"It's okay, really...I appreciate the compliments."
While driving through the backroads of Northern VA, Sam and Dean Winchester stumble on a pair of siblings, one older, one younger. They cross paths and seem to be their female mirrors aside from their own hidden skills and talents. This is Book 1 of their combined journey in all things Supernatural. Takes place towards the end of Season 1 with 2 original characters. Rated M for language & minor 'adult' situations. Book 1 now complete!