Tulsa, Oklahoma. Where the population is split into 2 groups, well 3, but that third group is merely overlooked. There's The Socs, The Greasers, and the Middle class, The Neutrals. The Socs and Greasers have a rivalry. A bad one at that. They're dragging The Neutrals into it aswell. Mistaking them for Greasers, The Socs will jump Neutrals too.
This is the story of a Neutral, Mercedes. She hates Socs with all her heart, after all, they are the cause of her siblings' deaths. Both her brother and sister, killed by Socs. Golly does she hate them. Little does she know that a certain group is going to 'welcome' her. Well, in their own special way.
With her new friends, it will definitely be a roller coaster of feelings. Sadness, anger, happiness all together. Love being thrown into the mixture. How will she survive?
// I DO NOT own The Outsiders. All characters from the book are owned by S.E Hinton
I simply own Mercedes and the plot!//