88 parts Ongoing In L University, a young student named Yang Ping discovers a mysterious society called "Di Jin Hui" that promises to help him improve his English skills. Intrigued by the society's activities and the charismatic leader Zhang Zhaojing, Yang Ping joins Di Jin Hui, only to find himself entangled in a series of supernatural encounters and time-traveling adventures. Alongside his new friends, Yang Ping learns about the existence of extraterrestrial life and the secrets of the universe, including the possibility of human evolution into a higher state. As he navigates through these extraordinary experiences, Yang Ping must confront his deepest fears and learn to accept the true nature of reality.
You're not mistaken, science fiction, fantasy, magic, war, military, romance, stories, thriller, suspense, mystery, reasoning, cultivation, healing, inspirational, fables, campus, comedy are all here. However, I would like to ask my friends to read carefully, as it might provoke deep thought. Perhaps after reading this book, you will have a new understanding of the world.