Genre: Horror, Action, Suspense
Setting: The year is sometime in the 21st century, and the world has been overrun with a rampaging rage virus.
POV: Third omnipresent
Characters: York Black (DEAD intern, College Student), Nicholas James Black (High school), Michael Roach (Hunter), David Jones (College Student), Josh Kelley (Janitor), Alex Roush (Farmer, Welder), Emmalynn Michele (Roush's fiancé, medical student), Nathan Henders (Computer Geek), Jake Hansan (Survivalist), Kaitlyn McCallister (College Student), Leon Hendrickson (Anime Writer), Chuck Samson (College Professor), Mary Wollenstone (Is a Guy), Andrew Garrys (Architect), and "Red" (Army Gunner)
Protagonist: York and his younger brother
Antagonist: The Rager Virus
The Virus Effects: When alive: +200% Muscle mass and reflexes, hive mind, and hunger to spread the virus. When reanimated: +300% Muscle Mass and Reflexes, but it deteriorates with increased time being dead, enhanced atrophy in skin and muscle, organs, and bones (except for skull, which has decreased atrophy), +200% skull density, and severe cannibalism and hive mind.