can·ni·bal ˈkanəbəl/ noun 1. a person who eats the flesh of other human beings. "cannibal tribes" synonyms: man-eater, people-eater This is the word that I, Alice Shannon, have came up with to the reported 5 murder cases. The other day, police found a cluster of bones inside a warehouse near the Mall of America 60 E Broadway, Bloomington, MN 55425. Examiners have concluded that not only did the person kill them, obviously, but ate them. A portion of a victim's brain—from the prefrontal lobe—sautéed in a pan with shallots and white wine. The warehouse had been used by the murder. The glass bottle was left open on the table with a glass cup. None of the bodies have a connection to who could possibly have committed the crimes. No finger prints where found anywhere, which concludes that whoever we are dealing with, knows what they are doing. We still haven't found any suspects yet, so I, one of the best investigators in the state, was put in charge to try to solve the cases.