This story takes place in, a fictional world with 5 continents. Each continent has its own called name, Earth Kingdom, Fire Kingdom, Wood Kingdom, Water Kingdom and Metal Kingdom. Each Kingdom is ruled by a Lord. The Lords created an organization known as ILEO (international Law Enforcement Organization). This organization enforce the laws that the Lords want to be followed, this organization recruit all around the world people who want to be law enforcer and are called Guardians. Our story follows a 22 year old young man, he is a swordless swordsman and is a Army veteran, with a Gold medal for bravery, this also explains why he has only one useful eye, his left eye was damaged. After his father's death while on duty, Zaku left the army and became a bounty hunter, he had a sword but stupidly lost it. 5 years pass by and Zaku finally decides to go back home... And that is were our story starts.
6 parts