To let go
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Текущие, впервые опубликовано июл. 20, 2017
take time to read this para sa sariwa lang ang break up 
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We should be doing this," I mumbled, yet I bent my neck for him, giving him better access to it. "Yes we shouldn't," he answered, but his hands were sliding under my skirt and pulling my panties down. "If we get caught," I muttered, moaning as his fingers found my slick entrance and he rubbed. My knees shook but he held me against himself with his other hand. "If we get caught," he repeated. It was as if this had become some sort of game between him and I. Repeating each other's words like this. "I could be expelled and your job would be taken from you," I completed. "Yes, that could happen," he answered with a nod of his head. He moved away from me and stared into my eyes. "But it won't happen. We won't get caught. I won't tell, if won't tell." "I'd be crazy to tell someone," I answered, my eyes searching his. "Hmm," he answered with a nod of his head. His face was blank and it was quite hard to know if he was already rethinking what we were doing. I wouldn't blame him if he was. Why would he thro away his career for me? He sidestepped me and walked to the door, locking it behind us. "Now I'm going to need you to be quiet. Can you do that?" "Can you be quiet for me?" He asked again. "You need to be quiet if you don't want them to catch us," he told me. I nodded my head, staring into his eyes. Yes. I could be quiet for him. I would be quiet for him. "Use your words, sweetie," he murmured as he walked back to me and placed his hands under my chin, raising it up. "Yes," I breathed out. "Good girl. On your knees," he commanded. **** When your one night stand turns out to be your professor, there's only one thing to do- continue to sleep with him. And that was exactly what Sophia is going to do. She's faced with a forbidden attraction that's hard to resist until she finds out his dark secret; he's a vampire. Will her passion overcome the secrets he had been hiding from her or will the shadows tear them apart?
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