Draco Malfoy has always had a stone, cold look on his face. He always looked as if he had no emotions whatsoever. Ever since I first met him, he was like that. He's always been a sarcastic, arrogant, egotistical, narcissistic, manipulative, annoying little shit, but on the other hand, I can tell that he's misunderstood, lost, and in need of help.
I've seen a side of him that no one else has. He doesn't know that I've seen the good side of him. He didn't mean for me to see his vulnerable side, but I did. I know he can be a good guy. He's just misunderstood and... misguided. He has a horrible father, who's a horrible role model.
He grew up in a broken household, and he became what he knew.... a bully....
I'm not gonna lie... I feel really bad. I can tell he wants to be different, but... he needs help to figure out how. He knows nothing else. He doesn't know how to be different, and I really wanna help him, but... sadly, he won't let me in. He won't let me help. He doesn't wanna admit that he needs help...
However... when I catch him with a different expression, besides stone and cold, everything changes.... especially him...
His expression is almost....
Wren suddenly felt a prick at her neck making her wake up, her eyes blurry.
Her eyes slightly widened as she saw Draco on top of her, her hand immediately going up to his neck to try to push him away.
She started seeing tiny white spots fill her vision, panic flooding her whole body.
He shushed her and ran a hand though her hair, a smile on his face as her hands weakened.
"It's alright my darling, you'll be home soon.."
Wren Moore became a doctor at an asylum after she left Hogwarts. She thought she was going to settle down and have a life with her boyfriend Adrien who always made her the happiest.
That was until he turned up dead. She found his body laid on the ground- choking on his own blood. She was lucky enough to at least get him to say the name of his killer. Draco Malfoy.
Draco had always been rude to everyone back at Hogwarts, making them want to crawl into a hole and die. But never to her. Even if she was supposed to be his rival because of being a Gryffindor.
She always questioned why he was always so quiet when he looked at her and never threw a snarky remark at her.
That was until she found out the real reason behind his 'kindness'.
She'll never forget him after everything he did to her.