It was an ordinary day. Of course, that's how all basic stories start out. Not basic as in frappuccino coffees and leggings...Basic as in, a happy ending, cheesy fairy tale if you will. Maybe this will be different...this story contains firebreathing dragons, princesses waiting for their prince, and wizards. Or pirates taking over the island, searching for treasure...No. As bad of a story it will make, I will tell the truth. I'll just start from the very boring beginning, and give my very boring introduction, about the reality, my reality.
Okay, here we go...
" I played that game back at school during the year, but stopped playing as soon as a fellow classmate, with her eyes closed, hit the the pole supporting the slide, and broke her front top teeth."
"I had no interest. At all. Day one, I did not like you. At all. I was a bitch."
"We are the losers, outcasts, rebels, and rejects."