In the world of Arator there once lived the legendary titans. Now considered to be extinct, the prophecies that they left behind have begun to unfold. In this gripping and enthalling trilogy from author Joseph Barresi, the world of Arator has the potential to be torn asunder. Dragons are going insane...the gods themselves begin to scramble into action...and races all across the world find themselves at the brink of war. What is causing such turmoil...such upheaval that it has brought together some of the most famous and well known of Arator's heroes to work together in an attempt to answer those questions? Book 1 of the Titan Prophecies features an all star cast of some of Joseph Barresi's most beloved characters as they find themselves unlikely allies to hunt down and search for answers as the world around them begins to plunge into chaos which all started with the finding of titan artifacts. Will they find what they are looking for in time? Or will the mountain of obstacles they face be too much to overcome? Only the gods know...and even they are not telling.All Rights Reserved