Boruto - Boudicans: the enemy after Isshiki's fall
51 parts Ongoing Code is dead.
All of Kara has been eliminated, thus so is the cult of Isshiki.
The destruction of the Kara cult was brought about by a Mercenary band from a far away land to the east off the Shinobi world map called Boudica.
This Boudican mercenary band is lead by Sir Macduff of Fife, who along with his squire ,William Wallace, lead the charge and finished Kara.
But as Code died he implanted his karma on William Wallace, because of this the Hidden Leaf requested to Sir Macduff of Fife that William be brought to the Hidden Leaf.
Now William Wallace, a Boudican boy, must adjust to the land alien to him, and that it is where he may live for most of his life