Crimes something that barely ever happened in small towns like the one Scarlet-faith lived in, but lately girls from ages of all kinds were disappearing one by one, By this time the murders had been going on for months and months and at this point the Federal Bureau of investigation had to be called in to try to find and apprehend the killer. What Scarlet didn't know however the one guy she would meet would end up being the murderer, the one guy she liked and wither she finds this out is up to the murderer himself, wither or not he kills her or he keeps her, wither or not he dates her and tells her or leaves her or kills her are choices he's going to have to make. Not to mention this mystery man won't only have the secret of being a murder he'll have another. A secret thats bigger, that could effect how everything ends, or how everything begins. Of Course to find out the secret of a life time you have to read, you have to read the exciting tale of Scarlet-Faith and How she fell for the Ruby Red Murder.