"SAVE The World" is a fan-fiction story. Based on Toby Fox's best-selling game, Undertale, the reader follows Frisk, a human from above who falls into the underground. Rumors say that a war between humans and monsters was held long ago, the humans being victorious, trapped the monsters underground. SAVE The World is an inspiring story with a nice story-line, a choose-your-own adventure style plot, and various other plot-lines that are yet to be discovered. Note: None of these characters are mine and are the possession of the one and only Toby Fox, this book is just for plain fun, and to express my love for Undertale. Other Notes: All The Characters in the book are above 18, Frisk's gender is not specified, but I will refer to Frisk as 'she' or 'them' sometimes. Another Note: I don't update too often, but I try when I can :3.