In the four warrior Clans, ThunderClan, ShadowClan, WindClan, and RiverClan, names have become an essential to their traditions and life. But centuries of bad omens which lead to deaths cause the Clans to forbid the use of the names of the Clans. In the present, one queen gives birth to her three kits, giving her she-kits names that wouldn't go against the Clan names but her only tom kit, she gives him the name of Skykit, this causes an outrage to blaze through the four Clans. She is determined that he will grow up to be a noble warrior as her daughters and other many warriors, but her Clan throws her out after a few days of naming her son Skykit. The Clan still honors the warrior code enough to not harm Skykit or his sisters, but they leave their mother out in the wild to fend for herself, telling the other three Clans at the Gathering to chase her out of their territory if they spot her. When the three siblings grow old enough to speak and run around, the Clan tells them that their mother had left them, and being only kits, they don't know better and go along with this for moons. But as they grow older and earn their apprentice names, Skypaw notices that his sisters are avoiding him and ignore him as if he weren't there. Soon, Skypaw is denied of his warrior name and is delayed ten moons before finally receiving his long overdue name. Becoming Skyheart, he hears from the elders that he wasn't supposed to be born and was a bad omen, and he storms out, and what he finds surprises him. Skyheart discovers his mother roaming his Clan's territory and as he engages in a fight with her, she holds back and refuses to hurt him. After Skyheart and his mother talk, she reveals that his Clan threw her out when he was too young to even see, and Skyheart is outraged. But he wants to remain in his Clan and remain loyal, so, he must prove to his Clanmates. How will he prove to his Clan and all four Clans that his name or others mean anything but just a simple name?