"Can I sleep with you??"kata perempuan itu. Rasa mau jatuh rahang si Derek Perempuan ini gila kah?? If the girl is being chased by someone and she just shoved in his room,to hide,he could understand that. But this is too much! What kind of girl just ran into someone's room and asking to sleep together, plus it's a man. Oh come on. Someone's gotta be kidding him. "Please..."perempuan itu senyum kucing ke arah dia. "Can't you see the things that is going on right now?? You're a girl and you don't just barge in someone's room, furthermore, a man's room"tegas Derek "Yes...I know Mr...... handsome 😘"gadis itu scan dulu badan dia dr atas ke bawah sebelum menyanbung ayatnya. Tiba² Derek betul² rasa terancam dgn perempuan ni. .Perempuan itu hanya buat muka tidak bersalah. Perlahan dia berjalan ke arah katil dgn gaya plg santai. Dia ambil tempat ats katil dan tepuk² sebelah dia. "Dah jom tidur...Awk takut sy rogol awk ke?? And I don't think you're going to do something to me. Tengok, gunung sy kecik je. Tak sedap...dah baring...tidur. besok sy janji,sy keluar 😘 And Thank you for the bed"terus dia baring dan sedap² je tarik selimut dan tidur. Siap dia promote dia punya kecik lagi.😑😑😑 Thank you??? Sejak bila pula aku tawarkan dia tidur kat ats katil. She really is mental. To know more, add this in your library 😉😉