Hey I'm (Y/N) (L/N) and this is my life. In this universe everyone has magical powers. My powers are shape-shifting, pyrokinesis, and teleportation. Each power gives you a permanent tattoo on your body. I never knew how to use my powers until I moved. I used to live in Los Santos area. Ever since the move it changed me as a person. After the move for some reason I forgot most of my old friend but not all. The one thing was I also had another power. This was no average power this was an ancient power. This is called Spiritual Powers were you can see people's pasts. I hated this power because it can haunt me sometimes. I can give people flash backs on accident or I can have nightmares of people's dreams. And this is the only power I don't have control over. This is a reason why I don't have friends at this point I've transferred schools about nine times. Only real friend I have is Minx she's a ghost but not a ghost at the same time. She has the powers to become a ghost and change back into a human. Now that I finally made it to senior year of high school and stayed in this school for a good three years it's been great. But a group of kids named the Vanoss Crew transferred into the school. I don't know what's going to happen between us when I become friends with one of them. Will they really become my friend or will they find something more. (Hey guys and gals! So to fully explain this even thought I have a Vanoss Crew x Reader already. I was reading a book the other day and it was about one of the Vanoss ships. I was reading it and it gave me an idea to write this. BUT I am only posting chapters of this book on Wednesdays only. When the other Vanoss Crew x Reader book is done then I'll post chapters here more times a week. Stay like your true self's! BYE!)All Rights Reserved