In the entire history of mankind,
- No one has been able to provide an acceptable definition or conditions of love. No one has even claimed to have provided such a definition with proof.
- No one has provided a definition that can be applied to all kinds of love. Be it between parents - child, siblings, friends, couple, for pets, for causes and for material things.
- No one has been able to differentiate between love for say a child, country and ice-cream using the same definition or any other measure.
- No one has even attempted to provide a measure of love. A measure that would allow one's love for different subjects to be measured and compared.
- No one has attempted to provide any specific measures that would allow you to know if someone loved you.
- No one has provided any convincing answers to how you can possibly attract love.
That was until now.
You have picked up a book that will provide all this and more. Read on.