I sat in a room quietly, perched on a chair, sitting at a small brown desk. I had been waiting for what felt like hours. For a boy named Newt. Apparently, he was two years older than I was.
I was only seven at the time.
I hear the door click open and a lanky boy stepped through the threshold, giving me a small smile. "Hello there, you must be Rosa," he said gently. His voice was odd, accented. Like the British.
"And you must be Newt," I responded meekly, earning a smile. "The teachers told me about you. They said it was time for you to meet other children." I nod slowly, taking in the boy's features.
He was tall for a nine year old boy. He had sandy blonde hair that touched the his shoulders. He had dark brown eyes, wise eyes. As if he was too old for his age. He had pale skin that looked like pearls.
"So, how are classes for you?" he asked me quietly. "They're okay. Mostly just given puzzles. I solve the puzzles and then they butter me up and tell me how smart I am," I told him, laughing a little. My hands fumbled around in my lap awkwardly.
"Same here. Only I'm in a room full of obnoxious, rowdy boys who only cause a load of trouble," he said, a small bit of laughter hiding behind his eyes. "Boys? You mean, you're with others?" I asked him curiously. "Of course... Aren't you with Group B?" My eyebrows furrowed together closely.
"Yes. Group B... I'm apart of Group A." I puzzled at his words. "Hm, no. I've never been told anything about the 'Groups' yet. My teachers are trying to 'shelter me as best as they can.' I suppose it'd be from you all. It's like they don't want me to know you." He smiled. "Guess I gave away too much, huh?" the boy asked, his smile touching his eyes.
"I guess so," I retorted. I liked this boy. He set me at ease. "Time's up," a man's voice chortled. The boy stood up slowly and as did I. He held out his hand. "Was a pleasure speaking to you. I hope to see you again very soon," he said sincerely.
"Me too."
SEASON 1 - 6
crownsmist, 2022
cover by @norasnetflix
spanish & french translations are in my reading lists!