**Dedicated to Ashley Wallace. Years ago, I said I'd do this. I intend to finish it.**
Former Mage King Solus murdered his father King Solum and temporarily seized the throne. But when he discovers that father dearest left the kingdom to his younger sister, Apricum, he will stop at nothing to get it back. Apricum learns the truth and decides her brother must be tried and brought to justice for his treachery. But how can you try a person who isn't around to be tried? Knowing there is only one place he would've gone, she sends elves, faeries, wolves, after him and each time only a head is all that returns to her. She has no other options. If she doesn't find someone to bring in her brother, she will have to go to Adina herself. But the last time a royal ventured out the kingdom, unspeakable events took place.
But, there is one other option.
There are whispers, stories, of a young human woman called Huntress by the villagers in the Kingdom of Oriens. They say she always hits her mark and is the best hunter of this century. She has no fear in the face of danger and will do what is necessary to protect and provide for those whom she loves. So, when the Queen approaches her with a rare opportunity that could bode well for her family, she doesn’t think twice about her answer.
There’s only one little problem. How is she supposed to cross through Outcast Island, Vampire Territory and defeat a mage with only her arrows and her best friend, Geode, when none of the magically enhanced beings could?
And then there’s the violet eyed gray wolf with a secret that could get them all killed.