The Evolution Of Kevin's Success By: Macardo Palmer (Macpalmer33) Meet kevinl Winston lh3s and Shadae McLean, gave birth to Kevin Skeyers. Nevertheless, the brilliant boy; Kevin was growing up, and as he grows; he statically became smart, spontaneous and outstanding, however, he developed a firm state of mind to undertake his aims. He has various tragedies coming up, and He has envious desires to become a benefactor, but ttragically zmoments held Kevin apart from his heart's desire, and goals to accomplish which he could neither predict, nor fathom. Kevin, is also a boy of hope, courage and faith. He wouldn't let anyone or anything stop him from attaining what is truly his. But will Kevin develop the mindset to undertake his dreams and goals or would he not? Would he flourish or perish? Nonetheless, Lets us find out the strategies Kevin is going to pull.
4 parts