"We can't keep working for you Doc." Smalls said as she stared at him. Doc sighed and looked at her. "You know I'll kill you and everyone you love right?" Doc said looking at her. She hated him.
Smalls looked at the ground. "Yes." She whispered. "Smalls, what's the problem?" Baby asked coming behind her and crossing his arms. "He wants us back in." She spoke softly and began turning to him.
"You said that was the last time." Baby said standing closely behind Smalls. "I said we were straight, not done. You both are stupid enough to think we're done? Not the case, Baby you're my best driver. Smalls, there's no Baby with out you. You two are the best of the best." Doc said almost pleading.
Smalls looked up at Baby, who looked back at her. Doc never understood the two, but they always clicked and it seems like the two was having a conversation with their eyes.
Smalls sighed and she turned toward Doc. "Okay we're in." She said as baby nodded to Doc who looked at him. "We're in.." he said shaking his head.
"Perfect, I'll pick you both up tomorrow morning, get some sleep." Doc said smiling before he got in his car and left.
"I thought we were done.." Smalls whispered to Baby. He didn't say anything because he thought they were done too.