It's been years since Zeref and Acnologia have been defeated. There are a lot more kids running around in Fairy Tail lately! Things aren't very crazy these days. However, in the guild there is still plenty of action! Lot's of things have changed, but some never will. ~~~~ I just made this for fun, and I'm not the best author, so I'm not sure how interesting you'll find this. This is just Fairy Tail and the characters having kids, with only a few enemies. Please still read the book though! You can just say this is the 'spin-off' for a future book I'll make when I'm a better author and can actually make decent enemies and write good Fairy Tail butt-kicking action. There'll also be less romance, as this focuses on the kids [whose ages are 10-13] of Fairy Tail. However, if asked/requested, I'll try adding some. Before you read this, I'll tell all the couples I've made 'canon' in this book, just in case there's a ship you don't like. Jerza Nalu Gruvia Gale/Gajevy Fraxus [Sorry Miraxus fans] PAST Miraxus [Which means they are no longer a couple, but were in the past] Everman/Elfgreen Rowen [RomeoXWendy] Cappy Lories [Leo/LokeXAries] Aquario [AquariusXScorpio] Albis [AlzackXBisca] StingYu Kinabra/EriKana [Cobra/ErikXKinana] LyRedyAll Rights Reserved