This is a guide on a free open source operating system designed from the ground up for security, internet privacy and portability. This operating system is called Tails it was made and is still being developed by a non-profit organization that's only goal is to continue development on the tails os. When it comes to security tails was made based on Linux and I believe they recently made the switch from a different Linux distribution to Debian which is a version of Linux. Generally Linux is assumed to be more secure then windows and Mac os but that is debatable. A few major feature in Tails is that it routes all its internet traffic through the Tor anonymity network (I recommend reading this first ). My favorite feature is the whole system was made to fit on a flash drive and you can boot it up on most new computers! It also has tons of other useful applications that when properly used together create a powerhouse of security!
!!Disclaimer!! - this guide was created with the assumption that you know a bit of the basics when it comes to technology and that you already have tails installed on a USB drive or DVD that you can successfully boot up into without problems. No amount of Instagram followers or reddit karma/gold can help you here. for a beginner I recommend poking around on these two websites first.
I also do not support illegal actions and forbid the use of my teachings for illegal uses and whatever you do with my guide I am void of all responsibility.
(If you find any errors or misspellings feel free to point them out to me. If you want to make a chapter about an application in Tails that you know how to use, and send it to me please do I am only one person and can only do so much.)
DONATE TO TAILS! (Nonprofit)
DONATE TO TOR! (Nonprofit) (Swag available)