The last thing I remember was the drivers face. Pale in contrast to his rich eyes. The whole world was tinged a sharp red. The unnatural coloring though could do nothing to mare this mans beauty. I wondered 'Was he an angel. My angel? He certainly looked like one. I hope he's mine.' I giggled to myself. 'But that means I'm dying.' something inside of me huffed. The face beside the angels was one with hypnotizingly blue eyes. He to was pale but his skin held a pink undertone, making his face flush with what I assumed to be worry. It's the last thing Camilla Thornton remembers seeing. Ever. But their enchanting eyes are engrained on the back of her lids. After her near fatal crash, Camilla went blind. After a month of recovery and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Camilla finally can get back to her life. Unable to stand the pity her home town greets her with, Camilla decides to make the journey from her Portland high school to a boarding school for the blind in London. Finding solace in music, Camilla beings to build her self back up into this new life. When her savor and nightmare come to her with an irresistible promise, Camilla's life is taken apart once again. But can some keep her from crumbling?All Rights Reserved