Nobody likes being wrong, So when Albus Dumbledore makes a mistake by placing the heir of Potter in a neighbourhood that explodes 4 years later and she turns up at Hogwarts for her education 6 years later he is determined to find out, WHERE she's been and WHAT happened ... Nobody knew it was possible for death to become corporal, let alone be incarnated in a small girl! So when the Potter heiress becomes death itself and no one realises, well let's just say some people are in a lot of trouble... And Nobody expected the potter heiress, Scarily good at the mind arts, A knowledge sponge with a photographic memory, Yet also a young girl who struggles with her practically nonexistent understanding of emotions and morals, and a seer who's talent convinced her primary school teacher that she was schizophrenic... Her name? Belladonna Dorea Evans-Potter