Once upon a time there lived a caterpillar. Life was good for the fuzzy creature, but fate had other plans. It was forced in it's cocoon to undergo metamorphosis. Fate wished for the lowly caterpillar to change into something beautiful and majestic. One day after many months it emerged not as it once was but as a beautiful butterfly with satin blue wings. The butterfly was no longer the caterpillar it once was. The butterfly was free ready to take on the world despite the fact that it was small and frail after the changes it had endured. I wish I knew what that butterfly went through in that chrysalis. What it went through to change from something ugly to something to beautiful. Maybe then I would finally understand why fate punishes us for being unable to fly and do greatness. My name is Lycaenidae and this is the story of my life in litchfield penitentiary and how I transformed. (Or the oc story that occurs after I binge watched too much of orange is the new black)All Rights Reserved