A little bit of Heaven and a little bit of Hell, a little bit of God and a little bit of Satan.
Angels and demons, life and death, laughter and tears, love and hate, friends and enemies, not natural beings and completely normal people, some genius and some dumb shit, simple words and complicated story.
Winchesters, Mitchell and Kasjaniuk.
Before they met, their life was strange.
When they finally met, it was only the matter of time before everything went fuck itself.
Of course we couldn't miss Cas, other angels and fixing my soul by bringing everyone to life.
Demons; friends-enemies-lovers
Demons is about Alex, a demon and their two friends, Caroline, and Jordan. Alex and their demon buddies are sent by Crowley to get the Winchester boys and drag them to Hell. Yet, there was some complications and even a sacrifice during the process.
Alex and Sam form a connection the first couple of days and then something horrible happened that made them stray away from each other, you could even say they hated each other.
'I'm sorry, I didn't think you would find out this way."
There is no specific season this is based on, I leave it to be your imagination. I recommend anything past season four.
I do not own any of Supernaturals characters