What a... a ... a TROLL!! How could he just do that, well if he thinks he'll get away with it he's wronge, let me tell you this "Glamour girl" can get DOWN and DIRTY if that's what's necesary!! just wait.
Celandine Amabel is a "Glamour Girl" she's got it all, the rich parents that's never there, the hot style and the awsome car, she even got the looks, the popularity and the friends, but she would trade everything for just one chance at her sister being happy that her parents are there. She would like a "Normal" life, and her chance comes with the hot new kid who's oh so reserved.
Cody Jones is that hot oh so recerved new kid, he lost his mother in a fire and now his father just... works... he see's Celandine Amabel on his first day and emediatly thinks she's a slut and a bitch, but she starts to prove him wrong and he slowly starts developing feelings for her.
How will this weird love story turn out, especially if you consider the fact that an exaggerated fued about power is starting amongst them. who will win, or will they just call it of as love takes the upper hand? find out what happens in GAME ON!!
//All rights on the story reserved to Simone Andreassen//
//All rights on the picture reserved to Google search//
Elliot Jensen and Elliot Fintry have a lot in common. They share the same name, the same house, the same school, oh and they hate each other but, as they will quickly learn, there is a fine line between love and hate.