In 2014 popular show The PopStar Wants a GirlFriend is back. The show has already hooked up Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber, Rhiannon and Chris Brown, Cody Simpson and Dezzy West, Reece Mastin and Charleen Lennie. In 2014 it could be you. Five guys, fifteen girls and whole lot match making. This year we represent to you the worlds hottest and top boy group, from the corners of England and Ireland *take a breath* One Direction. To Apply fill out the form bellow and send it in for your chance to be one of the girls in the show. Name: Place In The World: Age: Why you should be on the show: Who you would choose and why: Why should they choose you? Will you go for Harry's curls? Liam's phobia of spoons? Niall's love of Nando's? Louis natural soccer talent? Or Zayns Tattoos?