The Academy is the name for a ruthless underground cartel, known for all sorts of crimes. The best team is the Toma-Blackbourne team, a rag-tag group of criminals who can finish any job they are sent to do.
But, they are sick of living a life of secrets, murder and crime. They set their eyes on snagging the arrogant daughter of the monarch, Sang, who rules their city of Lhitedey. By one of them marrying her, maybe then, their family can finally escape the cesspool of crime and the clutches of The Academy.
What happens when they are hired to steal a rusty old lamp, meet the mysterious Diana?
Plans shall be broken, secrets exposed, passionate love is abound and chaos ensues.
Reverse-Harem with my original character Diana. Anything you may recognize isn't mine.
This will be a RH-Happily Ever After :) AU. Can be read without reading all Academy books.
An Academy/ Ghost Bird Fanfic. Inspired by the characters and story by C.L. Stone.
This story contains characters that are similar to the Ghost Bird ones , but not quite the same. The world looks like ours to the general public, but hidden in the shadows are horrifying creatures and the extraordinary humans who hunt them.
Selene does not look anything like her parents and her eyes are uncanny- leaving her parents unsettled. Especially since they never wanted a child anyway. As she grows, she asks about things no one else can see or feel - which only makes things worse. The world is much too dangerous for Selene- no one will understand and will only try to hurt her. She is hidden away in her parents' large and lonely house- for her own good of course.
Her life changes forever though one late afternoon when she finds that her wooded backyard is no longer the sanctuary she has always counted on. She learns that the world is a terrifying place, but not for the reasons her mother has always given her.- But more importantly, 5 young men will show her that she truly is a treasure - one that they have been desperately searching for.
I have rated this a mature because I am not sure exactly where this story will go...