Jessica Star-also known as the blond cheerleader and the girl that has slept with nearly everyone at the Blustock Highschool- was actually a shy and hardworking girl. What caused her to turn out this way you might ask. The answer is Jake Hardwill - Football team captain and loved by everyone. He's not the typical jerk in people's eyes but Jessica knows better. It all started when Jessica had to move house and had to stay at Amanda's for few months-who also happens to be Jake's sister. It's all fun and games until Jake's charming side is masked and his arrogant and abusive side is revealed. And his victim? Yes. It's Jessica who'll have to go through it all- beatings, forced love, abuse and more-yet being forced to keep quiet in fear of much worse. Will she follow her faith or turn into someone else in other to get out of it?All Rights Reserved