Without warning, a surge of wind knocked me off my feet, and I was flung and twisted through the air. I shrieked as the world around me suddenly trembled violently with energy, and my vision was consumed in blinding green light. An almost deafening roar drowned my desperate cries for help.
I crashed into something solid, and hissed as pain lanced along my side. Something clamped down on my lower left leg, and I kicked and writhed around like a madwoman, trying to find a body to hurt.
"Jesus, kid!" A male voice shouted over the rain. "Calm down! I'm trying to help!"
Hesitantly, I stopped trying to fight.
Who....who was this person? And why did they sound like....
He released my leg, and I heard the grass squishing, knowing that they were the stranger's footsteps coming closer. When his feet were right next to me, the stranger crouched down, and I almost went into shock.
"Shia Labeouf?!"
His dark brows furrowed in confusion.
"Shia? Who's Shia?"
Ace Jackson is tethered to her father - the last of her immediate family - in a steel grip of anxiety. Afraid to love but afraid to leave, she is suddenly whisked away from her front lawn into what she knows as a fictional world that houses giant robots and Michael Bay-like destruction, but most of all, a part of her past.
With nothing but the motivation of impending doom, Ace is on a mission to find her way back home before something "bad" happens in her absence. But what she doesn't realize is that behind every accident, there is always more than meets the eye.
Start Date: August 2, 2017
Disclaimer: Me no own Transformers, just my OC and plot.
Warnings: Meh...just swearing
Cover by: Me :)
This is a Madcarrot Story
So this is my first story that I'm gonna write and I really hope that you will guys enjoy it.
The story will be a mash-up of my favorite movies, TV-shows and video games.
I ONLY OWN LORA (well I know it's me, but I now it's not the point), Josipa, Dario and Tomislav AND CHANGED MOMENTS IN THE STORY!!!
The story starts a little bit before the first Transformers and goes chronological way the movies and games were made. Some things will be changed, but it will go by the movie line.
I own Lora and the parts of the story that are not in the story or they got changed in NCIS or Transformers timeline.
Genre: Action, Adventure, slight Humor, Fanfiction, (somewhere smut) ...
#1 Allspark - 4th October 2020