A bloody and devastating war forces Chihiro to flee the Spirit World and wait for Haku. Now, living with two frightened parents and a new overprotective brother, she tries to make the best out of her life while wishing for another. This time, nothing will separate Chihiro from her love: not a health curse, class prejudice, or anything else that Fate has to throw at her. But the deadliest threat yet is approaching. It's the very thing that Sire Daisuke warned about over a millennium ago. NOTE: This story is a sequel to my other FanFiction, "Spirited Away II: Return to the Spirit Realm." That story can be read on FanFiction.Net and on Wattpad (another Wattpad user did me the favor of introducing my work to this community!). It's a FanFiction to the film "Spirited Away," so any recognizable characters, settings, etc. from the film do NOT belong to me. Nevertheless, the plotline and original characters DO belong to me, so if you wish to post either of my FanFictions somewhere, please inform me and give me credit. Thank you.