The society has been much discriminative towards women empowerment since the oldest times and the trend continues, although less aggressively! Considering the rise in the gender crimes, women are more vulnerable in the modern society and feel the need for enhanced safety and assistance; especially if they are working and had to live as a lone dweller in a new city. Generally, such constraints limit their chances of development and their actual potential is never fructified. Towards reversing such restrictive environment and norms, some novel experiments have been done that could be called as the innovations of high worth. Sissaheli is an initiative that aims to assist and escort the single women in the city of Pune for their needs like finding accommodation, transportation, and above all the social exposure and contacts that serve to boost their chances of survival and success in the ever competitive and insecure social economy. We are a verified network and the membership is available through invitation which is followed by verification.
The need to leverage the technology for the social advancement of women -
Initiatives like we took are the need of the hour and enthusiastic women have greeted this initiative which is growing robust. Technically, speaking, this also marks the optimized use of the technology towards ensuring the rapid development of the social potential and while at the same time also helping those women who feel distressed due to the continued restrictive conditions they generally have to face when they move out to a new city in search of career options. Sissaheli have therefore touched upon some vital dimensions for single women and offers the following -
• Secure housing
• Employment avenues including the entrepreneurial workshops
• Cab services
• Personalized legal help
• Personality development and grooming programs
• Emotional wellness programs
The One-shots revolve around the journey of a devoted single father navigating the complexities of parenthood and his deepening bond with his sons.
Each story highlights the unique challenges and heartwarming moments they share, capturing the essence of love, resilience, and the unbreakable ties of family.
If you are interested, please check it out. I hope you enjoy it.