Cinos The Werehog, his Ravagers, and his Axiom friends are attack by Malware's Negative 10 but the Axiom ship have sucked by a hole but Azmuth have been prepared. While the Nega 10 are fight, Malware sabotage the hyper-jump generator which caused the Axiom to speed up back into the Black Hole.
Cinos The Werehog have woke up into a strange world with strange animals that he never before in his life. He have to find his brothers, friends, and enemies to get out here and finish the fight but the ship crash side, he only found Wildmutt & Blitzwolfer. They tried to find the other aliens but encounter the humans who thought they were Pokémon, the three humans are Ash, Misty, and Brock. They help Cinos to find his friends but look out for any of the Negative 10 who might pop out of nowhere.
This story is taken during The Indigo League, after the event of Beach Blank-Out Blastoise and before The Misty Mermaid. Ash have Pikachu, Charizard, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Pidgeotto. Misty have Togepi, Psyduck, Horsea, Staryu, Starmie, and Goldeen. Brock have Geodude, Onix, Zubat, and Vulpix. Team Rocket have Meowth, Jesse have Arbok & Lickitung, and James have Weezing & Victreebel.
Cinos The Werehog owned by @CaesarPOTA2011
Stitch, Jumba, & Pleakley owned by Lilo & Stitch
Buck owned by Ice Age
Rufus owned by Kim Possible
Malware, Negative 10, Azmuth, and aliens owned by Ben 10
Pokémon owned by Warner Bros & Nintendo
Ash and Gary have finally started their journey at the age of 15. What adventures awaits them? Who will they meet? With Misty and Gou by their sides they will have many friends and rivals both in Pokemon battles, coordinating and love?
However there is a darkness in horizon, with Team Rocket lurking around and Mew cannot help but worry about their favorite humans.
Ash can only hope things don't go out of hand and his precious people are unhurt in all these mess.
Also most ships will be really close friendships as I'm not comfortable writing teen romance really. I find it cliche maybe after they are adults. :D