Coco's a curious kid. And she's fallen down. She's not entirely sure why she's there- she's forgotten. Drat that bad memory of hers.
She didn't get off to a good start. She stood on a flower, she accused it of trying to impregnate her, then she tore a lovely fluffy lady's dress.
Yeah, not very fun - For Coco, at least.
Into the underground
Fallen Down
I guess I'm in the underground
(Title may change)
Hey, this is MickeyandtheFandoms. And this is a story about a girl called Coco. This is Undertale - I may or may not include some other AUs, but that's if I continue this. I'm not sure if people will like this or not, so have the first chapter for now. If people like it, I'll do another chapter. Then another, and another. Even if people don't like it, then I'll probably write up chapters anyway. I actually want to write this thing, and it's not too much either. So yup. Enjoy.
Warning, may include swearing, and a few adult jokes. Nothing too bad, I'll update it if it is. If you believe the rating should be higher, then I'll put it higher. I don't have a problem with that. And if you find anything in here offensive, I'll edit it out.