Hellllloooo I'm SummyDog if u didn't know and I am making a story.There really isn't enough Felix x Ken ship books so I am making my own!AND THIS WILL NOT BE SMUT I have a friend she is a YouTuber,#Yocatgrannae,and she does not like smut,she ships them but doesn't like smut,go check her out if u want,she would love that. Ok down to business this is going to be sucky or a good book! I will try my best and I will update when I have time because I have school and stuff to do,so I will try to update as soon as I can!
This story is going to be about Ken is a killer/traitor and Felix is in love 😍 with him,so is Ken but in till Felix finds out KENS DIRTY SECRET THINGS GO TO HELL! ; -)