Organization XIII has been defeated and things are finally getting back to normal. Yuki is getting a chance to see her family and friends she hasn't seen since she was thirteen years old. X and Y are able to focus their time on saving their lost friends. But just as things seem to be normal, something has to happen.
While Riku and Sora are taking their Mark of Mastery exam, the Heartless trio gets called into action. Worlds are falling into darkness one by one yet again. But this time it's Organization XIV taking over. Walking straight into what could only be a trap the Heartless trio must journey through Castle Oblivion and stop the Organization before things get too out of hand. But another ploy to get Kingdom Hearts reveals the true nature of more than just their enemies.
There is only... A new beginning. (Male reader/Oc x Kingdom-hearts 3)
18 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte
18 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
You already know what happens within this... but what if I told you not all was true and there's more after? Join Trf/(y/n), sora and the rest of the gang as they fight the heartless, go on adventures as well as new adventures, and somehow also go back in time?! Oh wait! I'm mean another dimension.
If you guys don't know, the kingdom hearts series was my childhood and i am in love with the games even to this day, I would recommend any of you who read this play the games, trust me, you would love these games as much as I do, especially if you like Disney. Some things might be a little... messy since my memory is a little shaky, so I would appreciate comments to remind me what I done wrong to refresh it.