20 parts Complete In the bustling city of Madurai, Tamil Nadu, Meera is a young woman who takes care of her family after her father passes away suddenly. She finds comfort in her love for traditional dance and her responsibilities at home. What no one knows is that Meera is secretly married to Arjun, a wealthy man who pretends to be a volunteer working on community projects.
Arjun, despite coming from a rich family, wants to find meaning in his life beyond money. He disguises himself to work on projects that help people in need. When Meera and Arjun meet, their hidden love story begins. They face challenges from society's expectations and the risks of their secret being exposed.
As their relationship grows, Meera and Arjun must confront their fears and fight for their love. Their journey unfolds with twists and dangers, where they must decide whether to reveal their true selves and stand up for what they believe in.
"Hidden Heart" is a story about love, sacrifice, and the courage to be honest, set against the backdrop of Tamil Nadu's rich culture and traditions.