This is a Korean, romance, drama story about a young famous male artist named Ming Jen (Lee Jong Suk)who is working with a professional photographer who is a young women who goes by the name Eun Yeri ( Ha Yeon Soo), to take pictures of him and his famous art drawings for modeling and websites. As they both work together, Ming Jen notices that Eun Yeri somehow reminds him of a very special close friend from his childhood past that has moved away for important reasons and that he actually had a little crush on for a very long time. When Ming Jen gets to know Eun Yeri a little more, he starts to realize that Yeri was actually his special and close, childhood friend that had moved away and that he had a little crush on for so long since it's been years. But Ming Jen wasn't quite sure if Eun Yeri remembered that they were both close childhood friends back then. So he took things slow and treated Eun Yeri normally as he tries hint out things that Yeri and him used to both have when they were together back then. That way Yeri can remember some of the things that has happened when they were both children. Though, Ming Jen and Eun Yeri are a bit different from each other. So sometimes when Yeri is with Ming Jen, she won't really understand what Ming Jen is trying to make her see. But at sometimes, Yeri has managed to remember and see some things from her childhood past and wonders if her special and close childhood friend was actually Ming Jen. She didn't want to fully believe that it was actually him tho. But the more she got to meet Ming Jen often, the more she started remembering. As they both got to know each other more, they both start to secretly fall in love with each other but they both don't know that about each other. After a few days, they both start to fully realize that they were very close and special childhood friends back in their past and that they both notice that they both like each other the same way.All Rights Reserved