1 part Complete MatureWe've been around, for a very long time. We've watched innumerable scores of creatures die, watched empires crumble, great rulers wither away , and planets themselves collapse into barren wastelands devoid of life.
But we've also seen races, brought back from the brink of extinction, kingdoms saved during their final hour, planets and entire star systems blossoming with life and prosperity, all because of our actions.
Yet even so, too often have we been too late to save a planet, or a species, that we sometimes feel very small, very insignificant, when we think of the grandiose ideas many have of gods and their all encompassing power over the universe. Some have even gone so far as to call us a god, despite our failures, but we know better than to believe them.
We are just as mortal as any other.
But they persist in their beliefs, despite what we have told them, what we have shown them to be the truth. So for the time being, perhaps we are a god, at least in their eyes.
They even gave us a name ; Providence.
Join the ragged band of twelve survivors following the events of Risk of Rain as they face off against the game's enigmatic final boss - Providence.