Siddharth Nigam is an Indian Male Actor most known from his role at the historical fiction serial 'Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat' and the movie 'Dhoom:3' playing the role of young Aamir Khan's character and is currently confirmed to take part at the serial 'Chandra Nandini' playing as Bindusar. He also starred the new film 'Munna Michael' as Young Munna dancing along with the song 'Feel The Rhythm'.
He might have starred in a lot of great projects but it is no longer a secret that the one performance of his that did and still steal our hearts is his performance as Young Ashoka in the serial 'Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat'. His career has been rocketing ever since with more admirer mostly coming from the young ladies.
His charm as an actor, his gymnastic skills, his athletic body, his hazel eyes, strong facial features, his positive attitude, and probably many more points can't help to blind the ladies and faint at the sight of him.
But as like to every actor, he of course has some rumors and gossips going around him and all of them coming from the speculations of his fans even though there is no real evidence nor any of his statements that proves any of those buzz.
This book is going to talk about everything that we can possibly get our hands to on Sidd's (that's his nickname from his fans) life, career, family, etc. Feel free to share and correct anything in this book.