Teenage Mutant Western Turtles Book 2 { tmnt 2016 version } Published: October 29, 2019 After 6 months of Raph fighting off Karai and Anyvwaya in a, coma Donnie now has to deal with the girl named April that he loved for years think of his feelings from him as a joke and decides to be with a man named Casey. So Donnie would always get annoyed seeing them together actually when they are at his place where he treats his patients. but then one day a Japanese girl comes into town then Leo told him and his brothers as she was a person that was important for their father Splinter their mayor. she is a daughter of the people that Splinter was wanting to show that his town had great people living there and that Leo the Sharif was good at his job. but as the new girl is getting settled down and getting to know the turtles Karai comes back to try and get the pendant that Raph had from Anyvwaya as he had Sunny hold on it.