7 parts Ongoing MatureIn the realm of Infernal Eden, where the supernatural and the mundane coexist, five unlikely heroes unite to face an impending doom. William J. Blazkowicz III, a determined human warrior, leads a team of extraordinary beings: Cygnus, a majestic dragon with ancient wisdom and world-shattering firepower; Rain, a fierce werewolf with a protective streak; Malgus, a formidable Baron of Hell seeking redemption; and Vox Ironspark, a cyberdemon with a heart of steel. Together, they navigate a world of relentless battles and dark secrets. When the enigmatic Evelyn, marked by a mysterious symbol that ignites with magic, enters their lives, the stakes are raised. As William confronts the brainwashed Doom Slayer, Evelyn's hidden power might be the key to saving or dooming them all. Dive into 'Doom: Abyssal Dawn,' where action, fantasy, and sci-fi collide in an epic tale of courage and destiny.