Hi, I am Anna and this is just a glimpse of what my life has been like for the past several months. I hope that my ongoing story helps you, along with some of the tips I use everyday.
Disclaimer: I didn't include this in the story because it isn't the purpose. I have Hashimoto's, an auto-immune disease where the immune system attacks your thyroid. I cannot describe this perfectly, but basically it messes up my hormones and so many other factors that played a role in my anxiety. I was never really diagnosed by a doctor but the symptoms were there for my anxiety and depression. My naturopath has helped me with natural supplements and techniques for the past few months. There is so much more to this but I can't describe it all on here. I understand how sensitive this topic is and that there are people who are still suffering, that have been diagnosed and are in need of help. I just wanted to make this a bit clearer so hopefully it won't offend anyone. Thank you :)
(Placed in Top Ten of #MindOverMatterContest)