The person can't be messy: I go into Ashton's room and watch the mountain of laundry. Pizza boxes crowded into the corner along with empty bottles of some cheap beer, some of his books scattered on the bed and others on the floor. My first instinct was to roll my eyes, and the second was to look for some breach in the contract that would allow me to expel people who could bring some kind of contagious or deadly disease into the house. The person can't disturb me while I'm studying: "Put the fucking bass down!" I slammed the door, getting stressed. "Oh, Andizinha, you like that letter." "But not when I'm studying, you asshole!" The person can't arrive in the middle of the night: My phone rang on and on and my patience was running out, so I got out of bed and went to the desk, answering it. "Hi?" "Andiiiiii ..." - Ashton's voice crawled and I knew he should have drunk more than he should have. "It's all right?" The person can't depend on me in the kitchen: "Did you burn the damn pancake?" "I was entertained in football." I wheezed angrily as I pulled out my cell phone. "What will you do?" I gestured him to remain silence. "Hello? What's the price of big pizza?" The person can't be a man: Ashton! Andrea should have added those little details in her apartment mate admission notice. But Ashton Lanter was better than nothing. Incredibly cat, friendly, but nothing pleasant. Messy and ... nice. Annoying, funny and very charismatic. He had flaws to get on the list of "not allowed indoors" and qualities that made any girl sigh. Or fall in love.All Rights Reserved
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