Not really into fan girling, but cry(Chaotic Monkey) deserves a little fanage. So this is for you cry.
You can insert your name or just keep the one I come up with.
Kat is a ordinarily boring 21 year old,you know,brown hair brown eyes...the works. With ordinary family and friends,a job traveling the world,and a apartment she barely lives in. Only Kat uses her free time to play videogames,watch every show based on anything, and watch YouTube. Not just funny pranks and cat videos, but gamers...every gamer known to man.
So when she goes to sleep and wakes up in a real life horror game filled with aliens,amnesia monsters(Pewdiepie fans will get that),ghosts,abandoned buildings,and any horifying thing you could imagine it's a nightmare come true. But also a dream...when she runs into her most beloved internet crush and has to survive no counting how many days in this hell.