Hermione Granger is the youngest Minister of Magic ever elected into office, as well as the first female and muggle-born. She brought with her into office two new positions, held by Timothy Rowl (Minister's Magical Advisor and Companion/ MAAC) and Draco Malfoy (Minister's Personal Assistant/ MPA). Although Miss Granger is already a well known war hero and a legendary Minister, she is unsatisfied. She soon decides to go back to Hogwarts and update the book Hogwarts, A History with the help of her boyfriend, Ronald Weasley, Timothy Rowl, and Draco Malfoy.
Draco Malfoy agreed to accompany Miss Granger not just to get his name in the Minister's book, but also to spend time with her. Ever since being elected into his position, he's fallen deeper in love with his charming boss every day. Accompanied by his cat, Charles and guided by his acquaintance, Harry Potter, he sets off on this new adventure with Miss Granger, eager to see his old school and take a break. Until Ron screws up...